The Arab Educational Institute held a training workshop for teachers which marked the beginning of the academic year activities of the “Citizenship and Diversity: Christian/Muslim living together in Palestine” Program at Za’rur Restaurant Hall – Ramallah.
The Arab Educational Institute co-president, Mr. Fuad Giacaman, and Mr. Roger Salameh- Project Manager welcomed the participants and opened the encounter, in the presence of number of officials from the Ministry of Education/ Ramallah. Teachers and principals of the participating public and private schools also attended the meeting.
The workshop included a presentation for the first-semester plan introduced by Mr. Roger Salameh, and Ms. Haniah Nazzal – Head of the Technical Department in the Ministry of Education/ Ramallah. Also, two training sessions took place at the workshop and they were given by two of the Ministry Supervisors in Ramallah. Mrs. Viana Deek talked about advocacy for the community campaigns while Mr. Ismael Issa presented the evaluation and measurement tools used in the teaching.
The workshop ended with a lunch in an atmosphere of fraternal harmony.
‘Citizenship and Diversity: Christian/ Muslims Living Together in Palestine’ Program Workshop in Ramallah