The Arab Educational Institute/ Bethlehem held a celebration on the occasions of Easter and Ramadan in Sabat Hall/ Bethlehem. This event was in the presence of Metropolitan Vindictus, Patriarchal Representative for the Greek Orthodox in Bethlehem, Father Issa Thaljieh, priest of the Greek Orthodox parish / Bethlehem, Sheikh Hamza Thoib, Deputy Mufti of Bethlehem, and Mrs. Nasreen Amro, Ministry of Education Director in Bethlehem, Mr. Sami Marwa, Mayor of Doha, Mr. Zuhair Tamizi, Director of the Ministry of Information in Bethlehem, the two co- presidents of the Arab Educational Institute, Mr. Fuad Giacaman and Mr. Elias Abu Akleh, AEI Director, Mrs. Rania Murra, and a delegation of representatives from Misereor the Catholic Foundation that supports the Arab Educational Institute. In addition to a group of principals and teachers of private and public schools participating in the “Citizenship and Diversity: Christian/ Muslim Living Together in Palestine” project, and representatives of governmental and non-governmental institutions and the AEI staff.
The celebration was opened by the Palestinian national anthem and readings from the Holy Bible presented by Father Issa Thaljieh and the Holy Qur’an presented by Sheikh Hamza Thoib. Ms. Rania Murra, AEI Director, gave a welcoming speech in which she offered congratulations and blessings on the occasion of the blessed month of Ramadan and the glorious Resurrection Feast.
In turn, Ms. Nisreen Amro praised the Arab Educational Institute and its various programs that embody our national unity and our common life and enhance distinguished fraternal relations in Palestine. She noted the importance of holding such meetings and Iftars and offered congratulations on the occasion of Eid Al-Fitr and the glorious Resurrection Day. She also presented a shield in honor of the Instutute. The representatives of the Misereor Foundation also gave a speech in which they expressed their happiness in participating in this evening and offered their congratulations on these occasions.
The celebration, which was moderated by Mrs. Claudette Mubarak, included traditional, national and religious singing performances by the Beit Sahour Secondary School Girls’ Choir and Bethlehem Sumud Choir of the AEI. Prayers, wishes and live testimonies were recited too for just peace and security in our Holy Land and the world.
(From Al Quds Newspaper
Correspondent Mr. George Zeina)
The Arab Educational Institute in Bethlehem celebrated Ramadan Iftar and Resurrection Feast