Women’s Group Visiting the Antonian Charitable Society

Yesterday, 27th of February 2023, Sumud Story House women’s group paid a visit to the Antonian Charitable Society as a social initiative. This initiative aimed at helping the elderly morally and materially as an action of mercy and love in the seasons of Christian and Islamic fasts. They have donated some food and other things for the elderly. Then our women sat together with the old women in the garden of the society. Mr. Teddy Giacaman, the Treasurer of the Society, welcomed everyone and thanked the women for their visit. Then he gave a brief introduction about the Antonian Institute and its servicers.

After that, everyone had introduced themselves and they all exchanged talks and narrated their stories. In addition, the women’s group started to sing and dance for the elderly. At the end, our women had put hand cream and perfume for each resident as a way of taking care of them. The elderly women were so pleased and grateful for the AEI/SSH women’s visit and they asked them to visit them from time to time.