“The Rebirth of Humanity in a Time of Conflict” Dear Brothers and Sisters, In the face of trials, injustices, atrocities, and the heartbreaking loss of life, especially among children, civilians, and the elderly, as well as the destruction of all of God’s creatures, particularly in the Holy Land of the three monotheistic religions, I urge the peoples of the free …
Category: Slider
AEI Children’s Group Celebrate Christmas
AEI held a celebration with the children’s group on the occasion of the glorious Christmas. The meeting included many activities, such as talking about the meanings, values, and symbols of Christmas. Then, the children colored some drawings that express the symbols of the feast, while others have written some prayers and wishes for Christmas and for the New Year 2022. …
First Visiting Group Since Start of COVID-19
The Arab Educational Institute – a member organization of the International Catholic Peace Movement (Pax Christi) welcomed the first visiting group from Austria on Saturday, 23 October 2021, after an absence of about a year and a half following the outbreak of COVID-19. Mr. Roger Salameh, Youth and Children Groups Coordinator, welcomed the group as they reached Bethlehem and accompanied …
In Bethlehem, sense of “sumud” keeps peace workers pursuing their vision
The World Week for Peace in Palestine and Israel may be officially over for the year but for Fuad Giacaman, it continues week after week, one day at a time, every minute at the grassroots—as it has for decades. As co-president and head of the Citizenship and Diversity Program at the Arab Educational Institute, a member of Pax Christi International, …
Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action 2021
“Nonviolence as a way of life in the web of creation” In response to Pax Christi International invitation to celebrate our Catholic Nonviolence Days of Action, and to observe how nonviolence connects all our work for justice and peace, AEI has carried out some nonviolent and peaceful actions. Here are some of these initiatives: During two teachers’ training workshops in …
Workshop Marks Beginning of Academic Year Activities
The Arab Educational Institute held a training workshop for teachers which marked the beginning of the academic year activities of the “Citizenship and Diversity: Christian/Muslim living together in Palestine” Program at Za’rur Restaurant Hall – Ramallah. The General Director of the Ministry of Education Directorate in Ramallah, Mr. Basim ‘Arikat, and Arab Educational Institute co-president, Mr. Fouad Giacaman, welcomed the …
We invite you to sponsor a large poster with a human Palestinian story to be attached on the Wall in Bethlehem. Already 270 posters bring out the stories of Palestinian life and challenge the restrictions under occupation. This “Wall Museum” will be expanded and will present many new Palestinian voices to the world.